Don’t let writing errors hurt your credibility or block your path to success. Join us for a 90-minute webinar to get the latest updates, additions and guidelines to the AP Stylebook. Grammar Girl’s Guide to Beginner and Intermediate AP Style Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020 2–3:30 p.m. Eastern time You will learn: How to write abbreviations Exceptions to tricky grammar rules How to use punctuation marks properly The latest updates and additions to the AP Stylebook Guidelines for adding numbers to your headlines and body copy Recommendations for pronoun use Webinar attendees will get all handouts and presentation materials, as well as six months of streaming access to the event. The webinar features grammar and writing royalty—Mignon Fogarty, aka Grammar Girl. Mignon Fogarty is the language expert behind The New York Times bestseller "Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing." Her Grammar Girl podcast has been downloaded more than 70 million times, and her Grammar Girl website was recently named one of Writer's Digest 101 Best Sites for Writers. She is also the founder of the Quick and Dirty Tips podcast network. Don’t let AP style errors catch you by surprise. Be prepared with the most important tips for 2020. Questions? Contact customer service at Related Ragan events: Ragan’s Strategic Communications Workshop: Feb. 20, San Francisco Ragan’s Social Media Conference for PR, Marketing and Communications Professionals at Disney World: March 11–13, 2020, Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort, Florida The Speechwriting and Public Affairs Conference: March 25–26, Washington, D.C. |