| | | | | #GuptaEmails: Maimane calls for 'stern legal action' The DA is considering legal action against President Zuma, the Gupta family, and others implicated in “undermining the state”, Mmusi Maimane said. Full story | | | | | | | | | | |
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WATCH: Officers in hot water after pelting video goes viral A video, showing four alleged thieves huddled against a mountainside as police officers pelt them with apples they allegedly stole, has gone viral. Full story |
Art gallery faces 'F*** White People' lawsuit The Iziko South African National Gallery is facing a lawsuit over a F*** White People exhibit which the Cape Party claims incites of racial hatred. Full story |
SAA sold assets at below market value SAA senior executives contravened all regulations to dispose of the airline’s assets at prices way below their market value, a forensic audit shows. Full story |
5 tips for having the sex talk with your teen The sex talk isn't enough. Amy Joyce finds out how parents can teach teens about healthy relationships. Full story |
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