Minimum drift , prevention of over and under-dosing
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Introducing the HARDI PulseSystem – The newest innovation for drift reduction

Introducing the HARDI PulseSystem – The newest innovation for drift reduction

With the minimum amount of drift combined with the prevention of under and overdosing, the HARDI PulseSystem is set to revolutionize the application technologies.

Combined with the TWIN system, HARDI has developed an application system that has the potential to deliver the least amount of drift on the market.

Drop size control for less drift  

With the ability to open and close the nozzles, the HARDI PulseSystem can keep the nozzles open from 30-100% at the same pressure while ensuring the droplet size and spray quality are unaffected. Therefore, the same nozzle can be used at several different driving speeds. At the same time, drift is minimised while the flow rate is optimised, as the selected droplet size can be maintained, unlike a conventional system where more drift will occur the more liquid you try to squeeze through the nozzles.

Together with the TWIN system, which already has best-in-class drift reduction and penetration characteristics, the HARDI PulseSystem is an essential additional step forward in controlling where pesticides are deposited directly from the driver's seat.

Reduce chemical consumption and environmental impact with CurveControl 

Thanks to the CurveControl function, chemicals are saved, and the environmental impact is reduced in fields with many curves or when spraying around windmill towers or remises. Here, a minimum of spray liquid is applied at the inside and full flow, where the boom runs fast at the outer wings. This automatically prevents over and under-dosing.

Automatic switching on and off individual nozzles

In addition, the system works with a single nozzle on/off – at a 36 m boom, control of all 72 nozzles at a single nozzle level. This can be done, for example, via a digital field map. Thus, the total field map determines how much pesticide to apply – and savings of up to 90% are possible by treating only the areas with mapped pests in the field.

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HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S | Herthadalvej 10 4840 Nørre Alslev Denmark