Netflix has shared the second trailer for The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's new series, Harry & Meghan. The trailer shows the media scutiny the couple, more specifically, Meghan Markle, endured, juxtaposed with clips of what Princess Diana went through while she was a member of the firm. "There's a hierarchy in the family," Harry says in the one-minute clip, before adding: "There is leaking, but there is also the planting of stories." Elsewhere, Meghan says: "I realised, they're never going to protect me," presumably speaking about the firm, as Harry concludes the clip, which sees his wife break down on camera: "No one knows the full truth. We know the full truth." Part I of Harry & Meghan arrives on the streaming service on 8 December, followed by Part II on 15 December. Click 'read more' to watch the trailer. |