Your experience is valuable | Review a campsite for a chance to win an iPad
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Give your opinion and win an iPad
Hi camper,

Hopefully you are enjoying a wonderful summer right now. This is a good time to look back at the past half year. Were you able to enjoy a wonderful camping holiday this spring? Help your fellow campers by telling us what you thought about the campsite or campsites you visited. You will have the chance of winning an iPad!

It is easy to post a review at Find the campsite or campsites you visited and add your review. Then add the promotional code DM23-CCA in the “Promotion Code” field. You will automatically have a chance to win an iPad.
You can post reviews throughout the year. The iPad will be raffled after 31 December 2023. The winner will be notified by email.

Thank you for giving us your opinion!

With kind regards,

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