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The Guardian Today US
Middle East crisis
Israel says it has killed another senior Hezbollah figure as bombardment of Lebanon continues
Middle East crisis live  
Israel says it has killed another senior Hezbollah figure as bombardment of Lebanon continues
Claim comes day after leader Hassan Nasrallah was confirmed killed; more than one million people displaced by Israeli strikes, Lebanese minister says
European ministers call for immediate ceasefire
The killing of Hassan Nasrallah leaves Iran with a fateful choice and the US humiliated
Ex-president leans into anti-immigrant rants and Harris barbs at Wisconsin rally
US elections 2024  
Ex-president leans into anti-immigrant rants and Harris barbs at Wisconsin rally
Ex-president speaks in Prairie du Chien flanked by anti-immigrant posters and lobs insults at Harris and Biden
Pope Francis  
Catholic Belgian university ‘deplores’ comments moments after speech
Hurricane Helene  
At least 64 dead and millions without power after Helene devastates south-eastern US
US news  
Florida university to host extremist after DeSantis-led lurch to right
‘Moment of truth’ as far right senses election triumph

Betsy Reed

Editor, Guardian US

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In focus
Walz v Vance: two midwesterners miles apart in politics ready for debate
US elections  
Walz v Vance: two midwesterners miles apart in politics ready for debate
Democratic and Republican vice-presidential candidates will face off on 1 October in unusually critical debate
The Middle East in crisis  
7 October, the day that changed the world
I’m not the sexy one. I’m not the nerd. I don’t know where I fit
Elizabeth Olsen  
I’m not the sexy one. I’m not the nerd. I don’t know where I fit
She thought acting was ‘silly’, despite having A-list sisters. Her interests lay in dance, accountancy, agriculture, construction. Here she explains how she conquered her anxiety and embraced being a Hollywood star
Double take: the siblings they never knew they had
US college football  
‘Eating the Dawgs’: Trump hailed at Georgia-Alabama game alongside Kid Rock and John Daly
Ask Philippa  
An old friend has inherited millions and become a boastful bore
The magic bullet: 60 years of the train that helped rebuild the idea of a country
‘It commemorates collective moments’: Radiohead through the eyes of Colin Greenwood
Any ice-age telepaths out there? Please explain why Netflix is revisiting Ancient Apocalypse
Any ice-age telepaths out there? Please explain why Netflix is revisiting Ancient Apocalypse
Can liberal conservatism survive the remaking of the right? We’ll soon find out
Premier League  
Salah’s penalty sees off winless Wolves to send Liverpool top
Salah’s penalty sees off winless Wolves to send Liverpool top
Augusta National assessing damage caused by Hurricane Helene
Dame Maggie Smith: ‘the complete actor’
Dame Maggie Smith: ‘the complete actor’
True crime books  
The Peepshow by Kate Summerscale review – new perspectives on the Rillington Place murders
In case you missed it
Zuckerberg Augustus: Meta’s emperor rebrands in new clothes
Zuckerberg Augustus: Meta’s emperor rebrands in new clothes
Mark Zuckerberg’s new revamp is a far cry from the zip-up hoodies and suits emblematic of earlier eras of Facebook
Plastic surgery  
‘People say, just get surgery, and I’m like: Bruh, this is after surgery’
Beetroot shots to baking powder: the science behind sport’s most popular supplements
Streaming: the best private-eye movies
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