1 February 2024

Val Duchesse Summit: Economic and social progress go hand in hand

BusinessEurope joined the Val Duchesse Social Partners Summit on 31 January to give a fresh start to the dialogue initiated there by Jacques Delors 39 years ago.

“We are fully committed to improving the dialogue between EU leaders and social partners as well as among the social partners” – underlined BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson and Director General Markus J. Beyrer representing European companies of all sizes at the summit. “For us, social partnership has to be an economic and social partnership. Social progress can only be built on competitiveness and growth”, said Persson. Unfortunately, the latest GDP data confirmed that Europe’s economy is stagnating and lagging behind our key competitors. In 2023, EU GDP grew by only 0.5%, compared with 3.1% growth

in the USA. It is crucial that employers, workers and policymakers join forces to improve the situation. Europe’s social agenda has to be part of a master plan to stop Europe’s deindustrialisation. We need to urgently address skills shortages as well as key factors that create investment leakage: high energy costs, excessive regulation and lengthy permitting procedures. Persson also stressed BusinessEurope’s commitment to work constructively with the EU institutions and with European trade unions in order to put Europe back in the top spot to work, live and do business.

Read President Persson's speech

TTC in Washington DC: Creating a transatlantic marketplace for sustainable goods

On 31 January, in the context of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) and the Transatlantic Initiative on Sustainable Trade (TIST) in Washington, BusinessEurope and the US Chamber organised two panel discussions on the role of green procurement and on the digital tools for advancing more sustainable trade and investment across the Atlantic. Read more

Did you know?

Quote of the week

“The WTO needs to demonstrate that it can respond to the most pressing challenges of our time, from climate change and pandemic to industrial subsidies and food security.”

Joint statement of 7 international business associations, see below 

Latest publications

International business priorities for the 13th WTO Ministerial

1 February

Read the joint statement

Priorities for the political trialogues on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

31 January

Read our statement

LNG export license applications and security of energy supply

26 January

Read the joint letter to U.S. President Joe Biden

EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council: business priorities for the 5th Ministerial

26 January

Read the paper

Upcoming events

5-6 February
Research to reality: digital solutions to European challenges

26-29 February
13th WTO Ministerial Conference
13 March
Access to Finance for SMEs: Assessment and Perspectives
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