Tips to walk or exercise for 30 minutes or more daily.
Health tips: How to fit more movement into your days | | Dear Reader, Try to include at least 30 minutes of physical activity or exercise in your schedule every day. Physical activity burns calories, and too much sitting isn’t good for you. The more physically active you are, the more calories you burn. Physical activity, including exercise, has a great number of health benefits. How: Choose what you like. The best exercise is the one you’ll do consistently. All movement counts. Walking to the store, weeding the garden and cleaning the house count as physical activity. Break it up. Three 10-minute sessions of brisk walking can provide almost the same benefits that one 30-minute session does. Mix it up. Try new types of exercise and don’t feel tied to one activity. Plan activity breaks. Include time in your day to stretch and move around. Walk to the kitchen or the break room at your office to get some water. Walk up and down a few flights of stairs. Be flexible. The best time to exercise is whenever you can. Find ways to move. When you talk on the phone or check your email, stand instead of sit. When watching your favorite TV program or reading a book, walk on a treadmill or pedal a stationary bike. Find a partner. Having a partner will make exercise more fun, and it will help you stick with your activity plan. Don’t overdo it. If you’ve been inactive, start slowly and give your body a chance to get used to increased activity. A common mistake is starting an activity program at too high an intensity. You can do it. The hardest part about physical activity often is getting started — putting on your shoes and getting out the door to walk or run. Psych yourself up with positive self-talk to overcome any hesitation when you’re deciding whether or not to exercise. Positive self-talk tips: Instead of, “I’m so tired,” tell yourself, “I’ll feel so energized when I’m done.” Instead of, “Skipping this one won’t matter,” tell yourself, “Every little bit makes a difference.” Instead of, “I should be better at this by now,” tell yourself, “I’m making progress.” Instead of, “I’ll never stick with this exercise program,” tell yourself, “Take one day at a time.” |
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