Stretching techniques are fairly simple and easy to learn.
Health tips: The right way to stretch | | Dear Reader, Stretching is a common way to gain range of motion in a joint, and nearly anyone can do it. It’s truly one of the easiest exercises to work into your routine. Before stretching, take a few minutes to warm your muscles. Stretching muscles when they’re cold increases your risk of injury, including pulled muscles. Warm up by doing a low-intensity exercise, such as walking while gently swinging your arms, for at least five minutes. A good rule of thumb is to spend 5 to 10 minutes stretching before your workouts and another 5 to 10 minutes afterward. With today’s busy schedules and hectic demands, if you have time to stretch only once, do it after you exercise. This is when blood flow to your muscles is increased, and the tissues are more flexible. Stretching techniques are fairly simple and easy to learn. Here are some guidelines to consider: Hold your stretches for at least 30 seconds and up to a minute for a really tight muscle or problem area. That can seem like a long time, so use a watch or count out loud to make sure you’re holding your stretches long enough. When you begin a stretch, spend the first 15 seconds in an easy stretch. Stretch just until you feel a mild tension, then relax as you hold the stretch. The tension should be comfortable, not painful. Once you’ve completed the easy stretch, stretch just a fraction of an inch farther until you again feel mild tension. Hold it for 15 seconds. Again, you should feel tension, but not pain. Relax and breathe freely while you’re stretching. Try not to hold your breath. If you’re bending forward to do a stretch, exhale as you bend forward and then breathe slowly as you hold the stretch. Avoid bouncing. This can cause small tears in muscle, which leave scar tissue as the muscle heals. The scar tightens the muscle further, making you even less flexible and more prone to pain. Avoid locking your joints. Bend your joints slightly while stretching. |
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