[PILL-FREE “BRAIN HACK”] You have to see this to believe it.

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1 spoonful a day stuns oncologists

Why am I getting this?

Heart disease CURE being sold at Walmart?

Back in 1989, Harvard researchers made a strange discovery…Most heart attacks occur between the hours of 6 a.m. and noon.
And the ones that happen during this “widowmaker window” are far deadlier than any other time of day.
For years, researchers have speculated about why mornings are so lethal. But none of them have stuck. 
Because it turns out the REAL cause of morning heart attacks is far more common than any of those shot-in-the-dark theories.
Watch this exclusive video now to find out if you’re at risk…And how you can make yourself virtually immune to heart attacks—with a simple, natural supplement you can pick up in any WalMart, Target, or supermarket.

Details here

What are you really eating?

Dear Reader,

Yesterday’s conversation about toxic sunscreen got me thinking about just how easily a few chemicals can turn something good into something bad.

In fact, these days, we can’t even trust kale to be healthy. This disease-fighting crucifer has managed to become a hazard to your health, thanks to industrial pesticides and weed killers.

And it’s not just fruits and vegetables that have suffered the effects of our increasingly toxic world. Really, the entire food supply is compromised… which is why it’s so important to do your homework before you shop.

Because as a new study on fish shows, you may not be getting the disease prevention that you’re paying for. In fact, you could be doing your body actual harm.

Pollutants steal fish’s superpowers

First, a little context: The effects of fish consumption on diabetes risk are still inconclusive. (At least, according to published research. The case is closed as far as I’m concerned… but I’ll get back to that in a moment.)

Some studies show that eating a lot of fatty fish is protective, and lowers the risk of type-2 diabetes—as you would expect. Meanwhile, others have shown a neutral effect, or suggest that it actually raises risk.

This has, of course, resulted in a great deal of unnecessary handwringing where dietary recommendations are concerned. But luckily, a team of Swedish researchers used some common sense and did what any reasonable scientists would do: They looked for an explanation behind these inconsistent results.

Specifically, they designed a study that would separate the effects of fatty fish on diabetes from the effects of the range of pollutants you might encounter in those fish. (And frankly, why no one has bothered to do this before is a complete mystery to me.)

Nearly 500 people who went on to develop type-2 diabetes participated in this study—compared with an equal number of healthy controls. Subjects reported on their fish intake and other lifestyle factors. But they also provided blood samples—two of them, ten years apart—which researchers analyzed for biomarkers to verify levels of fish consumption.

They also measured for a variety of environmental toxins—including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), dioxins, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). All of which are commonly found in farm-raised fish in particular (but also in fatty fish, like herring or salmon, that are caught in polluted waters). All of which raise type 2 diabetes risk.

And here’s what researchers found: Fish consumption on the whole has a neutral effect on diabetes. But when they screened out environmental pollutants, they found a very clear protective effect against the disease.

In other words, the toxins present in your fatty fish completely erase its benefits. But a clean, fresh catch is still a bona fide superfood.

Do your homework

If this isn’t proof that the quality of the food you eat matters, I don’t know what is. This is exactly why I continue to emphasize the importance of buying organic, free-range, humanely-raised animal products.

It’s been a while since I covered the basics of fish selection specifically, though. So let’s dive right in…

For starters, opting for wild-caught fish rather than farmed is key. I’ve personally witnessed fish farms where the fish are kept in putrid-looking water and given food that contains who knows how many toxins.

But avoiding larger fish like bluefish, king mackerel, grouper, sea bass, shark, swordfish, marlin, orange roughy, and tilefish—which contain high levels of mercury—is essential, too. Albacore, yellowfin, and ahi tuna can also be loaded with mercury. (Canned, light chunk tuna is considered OK if you limit your consumption to six or fewer servings per month.)

Seafood with the least mercury includes:
  • Anchovies
  • Crab
  • Crawfish
  • Flounder
  • Hake
  • Oysters
  • Perch
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Scallops
  • Shrimp
  • Sole
  • Squid
  • Tilapia
  • Trout
  • Whitefish
I also recommend eating the freshest fish you can find. If you’re buying fish at a market or a store, there are a few guidelines you can use to help you purchase the freshest catch:
  • Buy fish whole. Check to make sure the eyes are clear and not cloudy, and that the gills are bright. If you don’t want to go to the bother of cooking a whole fish, ask the folks behind the counter to filet it for you.
  • The fish or filets should be firm to the touch and have an iridescent sheen.
  • Ask to smell the fish. If it has a “fishy” smell, that’s a clue it’s not fresh.
Ultimately, a little due diligence will ensure that you’re getting the most nutrition possible out of your fish… and none of the bad stuff. For an up-to-date list of the best seafood choices, you can’t go wrong by checking in frequently with Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch.

You have to see this to believe it

What if I told you the No. 1 cause of “brain aging” is shockingly easy to fix? It’s true.
You see, research shows this gradual slow-down is a result of changes in your brain’s beta waves.
And activating these critical brainwaves is the key to laser focus and a “steel-trap” memory—no matter how old you are.
Unfortunately, this is an aspect of brain function mainstream medicine has almost completely ignored.
But one acclaimed expert has discovered an easy, PILL-FREE “brain hack” that hones in on your brain’s critical beta waves—and totally transforms every aspect of brain function…starting in just 15 seconds.
You have to see it to believe it. Get all the details right here.

Details here


On Today's Show: Combat depression by “eating for your age”

Hi, I'm Dr. Fred Pescatore. Proper nutrition is one of the most effective ways to combat depression. Young or old, you can’t go wrong with my A-List Diet. Order you copy today at www.AListDietBook.com.

Want to learn more? Continue reading about how something as simple as the food you eat can influence your mood: https://www.drpescatore.com/the-pill-free-trick-for-beating-depression

While you're there, become a subscriber! Sign up for my daily e-letter, Reality Health Check, and my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives. As a subscriber, you’ll always get the latest in alternative health news—and you’ll have access to all of my archives!

I also encourage you to browse my NuLogic Nutritionals supplement line: https://www.nulogicnutritionals.com/

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And in the meantime…

Here’s what else we talked about this week in the Reality Health Check:

Even scientists can’t be trusted with the truth
  • A new review suggests that heart researchers spun the conclusions of two-thirds of clinical trials appearing in six different reputable medical journals.
  • Investigators detected spin in at least one section of nearly 60 percent of the abstracts, and nearly 70 percent of the main texts of these studies.
  • Despite all of the unbiased “peer reviews” that these prestigious journals stake their reputations on, it seems there are still hidden agendas at work…
Just 4 teaspoons of this erases Alzheimer’s symptoms in 6 weeks!
  • If you or a loved one are suffering from Alzheimer’s then you need to see this video…
  • It reveals a simple liquid that’s so powerful, it does what no other treatment has been able to do. Instead of simply “delaying” or “slowing” the disease… This breakthrough REVERSES Alzheimer’s, SKYROCKETS memory and CHANGES the lives of patients who try it…
  • Patients who’ve tried it describe the effects as like a “fog being lifted”. And now you or a loved one can experience these amazing results for yourself.
And the latest toxic cancer culprit is…
  • Colorectal cancer rates are expected to skyrocket over the next decade or so. Rising rates of obesity and diabetes are the main culprits behind this shocking increase.
  • A new study appearing in the journal Science shows that high fructose corn syrup fuels intestinal tumor growth.
  • Find out how you can protect yourself against this alarming statistic.
[Alzheimer’s bombshell] Revives brain cells in as little as 90 minutes
  • Experts have always pointed to a gradual death of brain cells as one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. But shocking new research shows that those neurons may not actually be dead at all.
  • In fact, they can be resurrected—with just one simple, natural compound. This discovery left researchers dumbfounded at this year’s Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in London.
  • Even more amazing? Studies show it starts working in as little as 90 minutes. And even severe cases of Alzheimer’s can be completely reversed.
WARNING: Your sunscreen could be toxic
  • Results from a small clinical trial to test over-the-counter sunscreens showed that people who used them wound up with systemic concentrations of the products’ active ingredient that went well over the FDA’s Threshold of Toxicological Concern.
  • We don’t know what these chemicals do in our bodies at high concentrations. But we do know that one, at least, is detectable in breast milk, amniotic fluid, urine, and blood.
  • So if you must use sunscreen—and let’s be honest, plenty of people do—here’s what you need to know…

Until next time,

Dr. Fred


"Fatty fish without environmental pollutants protect against type 2 diabetes." Science Daily, 06/19/2019. (sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/06/190619111245.htm)
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