Today is Friday. Temperatures will be in the 80s with cloudy skies and scattered showers up north and mostly cloudy or partly sunny skies down south. See what the weather for the rest of the day will be here.
In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Portland, John Anthony Castro argues the 14th Amendment should disqualify Donald Trump from the Maine ballot. You can read his ‘Hail Mary’ lawsuit here.
The plan is to turn the first floor into a bigger home for Moderation Brewing, the basement into storage and a community kitchen, and the second floor into five studio apartments.
“Maybe it’s this kinship and sense of freedom that helps the food we eat in the outdoors taste so much better,” BDN Outdoors contributor Chris Sargent writes.
“You can find tons of advice out there on how to take better bird photos, most of it contradictory or just plain useless,” BDN Outdoors contributor Bob Duchesne writes.