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Action Alert!

Help Preserve American History & Civics Education in California

The California State University (CSU), the nation’s largest university, has proposed to eliminate the system's founding commitment to the “comprehensive study of American history and American government” as the basis for its long-standing “American Institutions” requirement. This program of study has bolstered California’s diverse democracy for 60 years, providing millions of Californians with tools necessary “to contribute to ...society as responsible and constructive citizens.” We’re asking your help in maintaining this essential part of the CSU curriculum.
Under a plan released this month by a CSU General Education Task Force, the system would cut civic education in half, and no CSU student would be required to study the history of American institutions and ideals, including the US Constitution and representative government, or the development of local and state government. This change would reach beyond the 500,000 students of the CSU, to affect over 2 million students in California Community Colleges and 6 million K-12 students whose curricula follow the lead of higher education.
Please write Governor Gavin Newsom, Speaker of the Assembly, Anthony Rendon, Assembly Higher Education Committee leaders, and your local state legislators. Urge them to reject the task force proposal and preserve the “comprehensive study of American history and government” as the basis for a robust American Institutions mandate in the California State University.
Contacts: (Governor Newsom contact) (Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon) (Jose Medina, Chair, California Assembly Higher Education Committee) (Dr. Shirley Weber, Member, California Assembly Higher Education Committee)

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