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Reminder: Your last chance to submit a session proposal for the upcoming CSA Conference ends in less than two weeks! Be sure to submit to speak at this year's CSA Conference to present to hundreds of other aging industry professionals. Deadline for submitting proposals is February 28, 2018.
Not interested in being a speaker? SCSA and the CSA Conference Program Committee requests your help in shaping this year's event.
We want to know what sessions and speakers you want to see at this year's conference. The Program Committee is reviewing speaker submissions and your feedback is vital for the selection this year's program. Please complete this quick survey and give us your input.
Go to 2018 CSA Conference Program to share your opinion and help determine the speakers and sessions selected for the 5th Annual CSA Conference.
Society of Certified Senior Advisors
P.S. Don't forget to register for this year's conference - take advantage of early bird pricing by registering today.
720 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 750 N.Denver CO 80246