Elder Project storytellers accompanied by music and dancers from RawDance, a new collaborator. With more sites and new partnerships, Elder Project is growing. 

Like all things Litquake, Elder Project strives to gather people in the warm embrace of stories. Elder Project is our community-building program that brings local writers into San Francisco and Oakland senior communities to teach weekly creative writing classes. Last year, we hosted 140+ classes at partner sites in the Mission, Excelsior, Bayview/Hunters Point, and Oakland.

Together, let’s make sure there’s space for seniors to share laughter, tears, fears, joys, and build lasting friendships. 

Give Now
We are all acquainted with isolation now, but most pointedly loneliness is a growing epidemic amongst seniors affected by factors like a lack of access, health issues, and major life changes. Help more elders, who we all hope to be one day, thrive through story. 
                                                          For the elders           
                                                                 Jack Boulware and Jane Ganahl, cofounders
PS. A note from an Elder: ​“This class makes me believe again in who I am.” A big year-end thank you to our Elder Project teachers who make it all possible. Support Elder Project with a donation today. 

About Litquake
Litquake’s live programs bring people together around the common humanity encapsulated in literature, and perpetuate a sense of literary community, as well as a vibrant forum for Bay Area writing.

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