Dear trade visitors, Exciting weeks are now behind us! The entire ITB team would like to thank you for your active participation in the ITB Berlin Convention and the Digital Business Day! All of the facts, figures, and resumes of both formats can be found in today's newsletter. Have you already taken a look at our ITB Berlin YouTube channel? Here, you will find all the sessions of the ITB Berlin Convention as videos on demand. We would like to recommend four highlight sessions to you today. Enjoy, Your ITB Berlin Team
| POSITIVE SUMMARY FOR ITB BERLIN CONVENTION AND DIGITAL BUSINESS DAY | High international participation in both formats | We are very pleased about the 60,700 convention participants from 125 countries and more than 100 sessions with 223 speakers. The most pressing global issues were the focus of presentations, discussions and industry talks. The Digital Business Day recorded 20,000 initiated business relationships, 14,000 leads and 3,200 agreed business meetings.
| All of the figures at a glance | | |
| THAT WAS THE ITB BERLIN CONVENTION 2022! | Did you miss the ITB Berlin Convention or would like to watch your favorite sessions again? | No problem, just have a look at our ITB Berlin YouTube channel and find your highlights on the topics Future & Resilience, eTravel & Responsible Tourism - all under the motto "Open for Digital, Responsible & Resilient Solutions". A selection of our highlight sessions can be found here:
| Future & Resilience Track Tourismusmarkt D-A-CH: Tourismusmarkt Deutschland: Perspektiven der Tourismuspolitik Speaker: Dr. Robert Habeck Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz | Bundesrepublik Deutschland ⶠTrends im Incoming-, Outgoing- und Domestic-Tourismus ⶠAngebotsentwicklung Luftverkehr: Kapazitäten, Preise, Produktentwicklung ⶠMarktstrukturveränderungen durch Corona ⶠPolitische Rahmenbedingungen: Ãnderungsbedarfe aus Sicht der Tourismusindustrie ⶠTop-aktuelle Marktstudie zu Kundenansprüchen und Reisepräferenzen Responsible Tourism Track Opening Keynote: Holding the 1.5°C Line - Towards a Sustainable Tourism Industry Professor Dr. Johan Rockström, Director | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Professor in Earth System Science, University of Potsdam Moderator: Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand, IU International University of Applied Sciences
eTravel Track Digital Wallets and Verifiable, Decentralized Identities in Travel & Hospitality ⶠNick Price, CEO | NetSys Technology Limited ⶠFlorian Daniel, CIO | Deutsche Hospitality ⶠJamie Smith, Strategic Engagement Director | Evernym, an Avast Company ⶠFrancois Blanc, Managing Director | Amadeus Traveler ID ⶠLea Jordan, (Moderation) Responsible Tourism Track Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Tourism: From Women- and PoC Empowerment through equitable recruitment to Vaccine Equity Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Tourism: From Women- and PoC Empowerment through equitable recruitment to Vaccine Equity ⶠUrsula Petula Barzey, Digital Marketing Consultant | moxee marketing ⶠLiz Ortiguera, CEO | PATA ⶠRika Jean Francois, Commissioner CSR | ITB Berlin (Moderation)
| | Don't miss our highlight video with exciting behind-the-scenes insights!
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| ITB INDIA 2022 | ITB India 2022 goes virtual from 5 â 7 April 2022. Join us as a trade visitor to get full access to conferences & on-demand videos and Business Matching slots with Exhibitors. Enjoy Early Bird Rate of USD10 if you register before 31 March 2022.
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| ExperiencesConnect 2022: The online summit for European Tours, Activities & Attractions | The complete industry overview in just one day. 100% free of charge | Join us on 7 April 2022 to learn all about the trends and most promising strategies for success in 2022 and beyond. For its first online event, bookingkit has brought together key industry experts from ITB, Arival, Google, GetYourGuide, Headout, the Slovenian Tourist Board and many more!
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| ITB NEWS | Daily industry news | Your daily news portal to read about the latest campaigns, developments, achievements, background stories, and much more. Here is one example of this week´s articles:
| LANGKAWI REOPENS WITH EXCITING NEW OFFERINGS With Malaysia set to reopen its borders on April 1st, Langkawi has already been welcoming international tourists since the creation of a travel bubble last November. And the island destination is putting forward some exciting noveltiesâ¦
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| DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? | We are here for you! | If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: