Good morning, Marketer, and can you tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi?

I can. 100% of the time. It’s strange that some people can’t. But there’s no doubt that our lead story today is about how Coke has been leveraging the Adobe CDP to target messages about 250 products to two billion customers around the world.

The scale is truly mind-boggling and might even exceed what I know some major car manufacturers have been doing with enterprise CDPs.

In comparison, implementing a CDP for a medium-sized business should be easy. Not necessarily so.

Kim Davis,
Editorial Director

How Coca-Cola activated their enterprise CDP

Over the last two years, the Coca-Cola Company has been implementing an Adobe CDP and activating other capabilities around it to connect with 2 billion customers worldwide.

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How advertisers can take the lead in reducing carbon emissions

5 steps advertisers can take to reduce their contribution to the heavy carbon cost of digital marketing.

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Does your organization need a marketing automation platform?

The benefits of using a B2B MAP start with the potential for personalizing the buyer experience — but they don't end there.

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3 growth paths in 2023 with Google Ads

Overcome uncertainty and stay on top of algorithm updates.

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Consumer behavior for the greater good.

Brands that stay on the cutting edge are continuously monitoring their market and using social analytics to develop an in-depth profile of their target consumers.

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10 CDP implementation mistakes to avoid

A customer data platform is a great tool. But if you’re not careful with implementation, it can be a disaster. 

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The role of modern marketing in carbon reduction

By scaling supplier engagement with compelling content and powerful martech, marketers can help reduce carbon emissions in the supply chain.

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The new path to personalization

Do you have the right foundation to become a truly data-driven organization?

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How marketing compensation and roles are changing: Take the MarTech Salary and Career Survey

Spend a few moments to help us better understand the dramatic changes affecting the marketing and martech spaces.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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