Are emojis ruining communication skills? — How to delete yourself from the internet
What Kim's Watching August 28, 2020
Featured videos from Komando.com
Online advertising: How it works and what’s coming for consumers
Everywhere you go online, there's someone trying to sell you something. In fact, digital ad spending overtook traditional offline ads in 2019. Google may be a leader in online advertising, but it's not the only option. Kim talks to Heath Shaffer, CEO and founder of NicheREV, about other options publishers are using to maximize their profits and what it means for consumers.
What is the future of driving?
Self-driving cars. Self-repairing roads. The future of driving looks like it’s going to be bright thanks to technology. But what is really coming down the pike and what can we expect to see in the not so distant future?
More videos from Komando.com
Are emojis ruining our communication skills?
Some language experts say relying on emojis is ruining our ability to communicate properly. Are our grammar and spelling skills suffering thanks to those little icons? Get Kim's take on why using symbols to chat might not be such a bad thing.
How to delete yourself from the internet: 7 strategies
Think how nice it would be to see fewer ads when you’re online or be less at risk from scams and hackers. Unfortunately, maintaining privacy on the internet has become increasingly difficult. If you’re sick and tired of platforms and companies snooping through your personal data, it’s time to take action and clear your personal information. Kim shows you how to shut out Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, scary people search sites and more.
Kim's favorites
Junk in your attic might be worth big bucks
Just because something is old doesn't mean it's worthless. There might be some items hidden away in the nooks and crannies of your home. Collectors are willing to pay top-dollar for unopened, factory-sealed items, rare records, classic games and more.
28 years of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator
Microsoft's Flight Simulator has been around for almost 30 years now and every iteration has gotten a little better and a little more in-depth. Whether it's upgraded graphics, more realistic physics, or just more planes to fly, Microsoft continues to push the limit.
A note from my sponsor
Check your home's title now - it could be in danger
Your home is your shelter — and often your most valuable asset. Is yours protected? “Home title fraud” is when criminals take you off the title to your own home. They don't want the property; they want the money they can get from taking out loans against your home.
Home Title Lock puts a virtual barrier around your home’s title. The instant they detect anyone tampering with it, they mobilize to shut it down. Protecting your home’s title is easy with Home Title Lock.
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Tips and tricks to use your Amazon Echo like a pro
Your Amazon Echo can do so much more than answer your questions. In my eBook, "How to Use Your Amazon Echo: Tips and Tricks," you'll learn everything you need to know to become a pro. I'll show you how to set it up all the way to how it can endlessly entertain you in your living room, your kitchen and your bedroom. You will also learn the necessary tools to have your Amazon Echo help you in an emergency.
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