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If grant deadlines deter you from applying for funding, then you do not need to fear anymore!

This new Ebook offers a collection of grants that have no deadlines. You can submit your applications anytime round the year.

How to Apply for the USAID’s Development Innovation Venture (DIV)?

DIV Program is a very considerate and supportive step that works in coordination with new and innovative ideas coming from any and everywhere across the globe. It has been proven as a boon for many NGOs and for us as a society over the years.

In this article, you will understand how USAID supports and funds various NGOs around the world that are willing to try new ideas and build strategic plans that work best as solutions to challenges in the field of agriculture, climate, democracy, human rights, world peace, etc. 
Recent View Latest Grants, Upcoming Deadlines & Get a Calendar View of all Funding Opportunities for you at one place. View Grants
Country-based and Regional Grant Opportunities
This new course on "How to Receive Grants? Understand How the Donors work" offers relevant insights into the systems and management of grants by donors so that you can fine-tune your fundraising strategies. Learn more!
  • The importance of understanding donors and how it can impact your funding success
  • The Donor's Project Management Method: Selecting and Monitoring Projects
  • The Project Design Matrix
  • In-depth case study with examples
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