Hi If your friend was put on a social blacklist, would you still talk to them? What if talking to them affected the type of loans you could get? Or your freedom to travel? Or maybe the schools that your children can get into? It’s an awful thing to consider, but it’s one of the many dangers of Social Credit Systems. And even though most people have not heard about the Social Credit Systems, they are real, and they are coming. And in some places, like China, they already exist in full force. I’m sure you’ve heard about things like your carbon score, credit score, or even things like the coming Central Bank Digital currency. These are all specific systems designed to give you ratings based off of your actions. But a full-on Social credit system would affect all parts of your life. With a Social Credit System in place, Governments will use all of your devices against you. They will track your purchases, your locations, who you are near, and what you search for. Even worse, they will spy on you with the cameras and microphones in those devices as well. In China, if you speak out against the Government you’ll lose social credit points. But if you read propaganda from the Government you’ll gain points (And yes, the retina scanners in your phone will make sure you are actually reading the propaganda and not just looking at your phone). All aspects of your life will be judged. What you spend YOUR money on, what information YOU consume, and the friends you associate with. And if your score drops low enough, you’ll be placed on a blacklist. That means anyone who contacts you will be punished. You’ll fall into social isolation and be bullied into the lowest caste. There is no good future for a social credit system, only one where the government has complete control over your life. This is why you NEED to learn how to protect your privacy. Because with today’s level of technology, the government can completely surveil us. They know everything we search for, our location at all times, and they can record us through cameras and microphones on our devices. That’s why I asked my friend Glenn Meder, an online privacy and security expert to hold a special class this Thursday July 27th titled 5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Big Tech, Big Brother, and Thieves Who Spy on You Without Your Consent. In it, he will talk in depth about the threats that we are facing and give you easy real-world tips that you can implement to get more private and secure today. He’s a great speaker, and this is such a vital topic to talk about right now. Because without privacy, freedom cannot exist. I strongly urge you to attend! >>> Click here to register for the free privacy class this Thursday<<< Thank you! |