This is how the wealthy make their schedules...
My mentor Mark Ford has accomplished more in his 74 years than most people would in ten lifetimes.
He’s written over two dozen books including multiple New York Times bestsellers, produced four movies, got his black belt in BJJ, amassed a world class art collection, and founded a community school teaching literacy, business, and finance in South America.
But what’s even more impressive is he did all that… While ALSO building dozens of 7 & 8-figure businesses, a 9-figure business, and one that ballooned to over $1 billion in annual revenue. Now, that might sound impossible — but according to Mark, there’s ONE basic strategy he follows to “get it all done”...
And have plenty of time for both work and play. You can learn Mark’s strategy and how he schedules his day in this brief, 4-minute read over on our website:
>> How to build a 7-figure+ empire AND love your life Success Loves Speed,
Craig | | | |