Plus, how to conquer procrastination.
| | Hi John, How do you respond to a domineering or rude senior colleague? Share your insights in the comments section of today’s Q&A. And learn ways to address procrastination in the ebook linked below.
| | | Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue | |
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| How to Confront a Domineering Physician | by Brittney Maxfield |
| We have two new young surgeons on our team. One of them is quite rude during morning rounds. He questions and challenges my treatments and diagnoses in a very rude manner. His negative attitude has leached onto the other surgeon. Last week, they both attacked me verbally in front of students, interns, clients, and staff. They were loud, aggressive, and accusatory. I attempted to respond to their concerns. I am pretty angry at them. They behave like bullies, and it's taking a toll on my mental health. I need to address this to promote a safe working environment. Any tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated. Signed, Bullied
| | Bullying isn’t unique to healthcare, but there are many things about the healthcare environment that proliferate bullying behaviors, such as high-stakes situations, rigid power differentials, and challenging schedule demands. And while bullying is harmful everywhere, it has devastating impacts in healthcare. According to our study Silence Kills, half of all nurses and four out of five physicians in our survey said they work daily with a colleague who breaks rules, makes mistakes, fails to offer support, or appears critically incompetent. However, only one in ten speak up when facing these kinds of concerns—and far fewer speak up when the concern is with a physician. The most alarming finding is that people’s failure to speak up when they have these concerns is highly related to quality of care, employee morale, productivity, and retention.
| | | | EBOOK | Conquering Procrastination | In a recent survey, 93% of respondents said they procrastinate their work. Learn more about the impact of procrastination and what you can do about it in this free ebook. | |
| | | Jul 8–12 | Crucial Conversations® for Accountability | Join us live online and learn how to:
Master performance discussions. Reach alignment when stakes are high and opinions vary. Strengthen trust and reliability. Apply multiple sources of influence. Get results and improve relationships. | | |
| | | Waste neither time nor money but make the best use of both. Without industry and frugality, nothing will do, and with them everything. | | | |
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