There’s a new, more secure way to encrypt files in Windows 11, but it’s only an option for building secure applications, not a replacement for BitLocker.
Keeping your bank accounts, credit card numbers, photos and videos, and so much more sensitive information safe should be a top priority. Cybersecurity has never been more important than it is now in our digital world. How do we make sure all of our in...
Catch up on the week’s essential technology news, must-read posts, and discussions that would be of interest to IT pros working in the UK and Europe. Receive trending articles similar to Following year-end ransomware storm, leaders batten hatches for sea of troubles in 2023.
Developing software in a modern business enterprise requires cooperation, collaboration and coordination. Long gone are the days when a single mythical coder can single-handedly develop software applications sophisticated and flexible enough for modern business needs.
A new Kaspersky report sheds light on why some tech pros look for jobs on the dark web and how to spot suspicious and likely illegal positions from recruiters in that environment.
The trend will carry from the past 12 months when more than a third of executives polled by Deloitte said that cyberattacks targeted their financial and accounting data.
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