elevate your work-at-home career by joining Totally Profesh
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If you're a regular at Mom Spark, you know that I've been doing this blogging gig for nearly a decade now. How is that even possible??? 

eating in Israel // photo by Shani Sadicario

One of my missions from the very beginning was to share what I know with others. This still holds true today.

So, here’s the thing - I want YOU to have a flexible, lucrative career doing what you love from home, too.

Today, I have a couple of tools that will help jump-start your at-home business right away. Because I think you should start this commitment TODAY. No, really. TODAY.


First of all, join the Totally Profesh Facebook group. This group is a free resource full of information, tools, and healthy "profesh" chats that'll be extremely helpful for your career. We'd love to have you.


Secondly, take the time to set yourself up for success by doing your homework and research on home business. This will be the key to creating a successful, thriving work at home career that lasts a long time. 

Finding jobs that aren’t scams – or even knowing what kind of jobs your skills match anyway – can be overwhelming, too. That’s why I have to tell you about a package of resources that was designed to help you find work that works for you and set you up for a thriving biz! 

It’s called the Ultimate Work at Home Bundle, and it's from the folks at Ultimate Bundles, which you already know that I trust and love.

This bundle has 50 products (including eBooks, an audiobook, printables, and eCourses) to help  you:

  • Find legit work-at-home jobs (and avoid scams!)

  • Run your business on a tiny budget

  • Avoid common work-at-home mistakes

  • Discover clients who will pay you what you’re worth

  • And so much more!

Also, and this is SUPER EXCITING, I have a brand new eBook of mine in this bundle and it's ONLY available in this bundle. It's called How to Network Like a Boss From Home and it's one of my favorite pieces of work that I've done thus far. 

 A quick description of the book:

"Running a business from home provides a more flexible lifestyle than most traditional careers, from spending more time with family to working from the couch in pajamas, but it also comes with complicated challenges. One of these many challenges includes building up a contact list and networking with peers and potential clients, which are crucial elements to building a successful career at home."

The combined value of the resources in the bundle is over $2,300, but you get EVERYTHING for 98% off!

Check it out HERE.

Oh, and it's only available for 6 days - now until Monday, June 12 at 11:59 PM EST.

So, are you ready to get this thing going or what???

Get yours NOW.

days left to grab this bundle:


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