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Dear John,

People get stuck for many reasons.  When I was stuck (the most recent time) it was because I knew I needed to change my approach to business development, but I wasn’t thrilled about the work that was involved.

During the past 15 years I’ve sourced new client relationships through speaking engagements. Each time I’d go somewhere to speak, I’d add dozens of new people to my prospect database and some of them would eventually become clients.

Well, the COVID-19 pandemic changed all that.  There were no speaking engagements (at least in person) and people got Zoom/Webinar fatigue after about 6 months of being locked in the house with barking dogs and hand sanitizer.

So, I had to change my approach. The resistance I experienced was uncomfortable.  I liked my old routine. I hated uncertainty. I didn’t want to change.  Guess what happened… NOTHING. No new clients. No new opportunities. No money in the door. 

That scared me straight!

The discomfort from ZERO growth and ZERO new prospects was enough to motivate me to change my approach and I’m glad I did.  I now have several new ways of attracting new prospects and bringing revenue in the door.

Are you in a similar position?

If so, I’ve found there are three things that keep people stuck at their current level of income and business success. These three things are:

  • Resistance to the serious work it takes to change.
  • Not knowing what steps to take to make the new approach successful.
  • Fear of failure or even more likely fear of overwhelming success.

Each of these things will prevent you from having the success you deserve. The key to breaking through and achieving the success you deserve is believing it will be more painful to keep doing what you’re currently doing than it will be to change.

Trying new things is your ticket to the next level and the status quo is your ticket to on-going malaise. 

If you want to JUMPSTART your success, join me for my six-week Sales Sprint.

This is my one-on-one coaching program designed to shake you up and get your out of your comfort zone.  It will help you grow your business and develop a plan to make a great living and live a great life.

To find out more about this ground-breaking one-on-one coaching program follow the link:

Dave Lorenzo's Sales Sprint

The investment is only $1,599 if you enroll now (this is a 50% discount, and it expires at the end of the month).

Join me and we can focus together on the success you deserve.


Warm regards,

Dave Lorenzo

Revenue Growth Expert
Miami & New York
(786) 436-1986
(212) 970-1986

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