There is a group of shares on the market I call ‘catapult stocks’.
Daily Reckoning

Editor's Note: Every now and then, an investment opportunity comes across our desk here at The Daily Reckoning Australia that we find so compelling we just have to share it with you. Below, you’ll find one such opportunity from our friend Callum Newman over at Profit Watch. Read on to check it out...


Dear Reader,

There is a group of shares on the market I call ‘catapult stocks’.

These can jump in price anywhere from a week.

How so?

Here’s the secret…

They release a big, bullish announcement that the market doesn’t expect.

My May recommendation — a stock called DroneShield — announced two great partnerships separately on 23 July and 24 July.

Between 23 July and 30 July, the stock doubled in price!

A small oil driller on my buy list did something similar in August…

It announced a great oil strike...and went from 23 cents to as high as 37 cents in just five days. That’s more than a 60% gain in less than a week.

I have every reason to believe it can do it again, too.

Go here to see why!

Best wishes,

Callum Newman Signature

Callum Newman,
Editor, Profit Watch