| In honor of Women's History Month, our wonderful editor Jessica Strawser takes a look back at the evolving roles of women in writing as they've been reflected inside the pages of Writer's Digest. It's a fascinating read and worth your time. Click here to read it. (Also, I was lucky enough to get to know Kirk Polking in her post-editor days and I can tell you from my own experience, she was an amazing person and great editor.) In other writing news, we have a great lineup of webinars coming in the next couple of weeks. They cover many different topics, including structure, plot and querying agents. Most come with a critique. Choose the ones that suit you best and sign up now: March 31: Structuring Your Novel: Discover the Proven Blueprint for Creating Stories That Sell April 7: Query with Confidence: How to Craft an Eye-Catching Query and Land an Agent April 12: Let's Begin: Write Captivating Opening Pages that Grab Readers' (and Agents') Attention April 14: How to Use Scene Types to Write a Page-Turning Plot And finally, a reminder that I'll be instructing as several events around the country, including Raleigh, NC (April 30), Denver (July 30) and Washington DC (Sept. 10). And don't forget to mark your calendars for August 12-14 for the Writer's Digest Annual Writing Conference in NYC (early bird pricing ends April 1, so secure your slot now). Conferences are a great way to meet agents and editors and invest in your career. I highly recommend attending one. Take care of yourself and your writing, Brian A. Klems Senior Online Editor, Writer's Digest Author, Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters Twitter: @BrianKlems Follow us on Twitter Become a fan on Facebook
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| How to Write the Perfect Query Letter A literary agent shares a real-life novel pitch that ultimately led to a book deal-and shows you how to query your own work with success. Click here for an example.
| | | Amazon Keywords Guide: Learn the easy way to harness the power of search terms to help readers find and buy your eBook with BookBaby's Amazon Keywords guide. Download your free guide. |
| Want to Write a Column? Here are 7 Key Tips You Need to Know A quality column takes consistent effort, thought, and much rewriting. My experience writing several columns and the advice of several column writers I interviewed pinpoint seven of the most important and challenging considerations. Click here for the 7 column-writing tips.
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| | New Literary Agent Alert: Ryann Wahl of Holloway Literary She is seeking: Ryann is interested in representing literary fiction, upmarket fiction, and young adult novels. She is actively building her client list and seeks queries from both new and experienced writers. Here's how to submit to her.
How to Find and Keep a Literary Agent - Agent One-on-One Boot Camp (With Critiques) Starts March 21, 2016 In this Boot Camp, starting April 18, the agents of P.S. Literary Agency will show you how to make your submission stand out. How do you write a children's book with commercial appeal? How do you decide what category and genre your book belongs in? How do you find agents and publishers to submit your manuscript to? How can you attract both child and adult readers (and buyers)? (Plus, they'll critique your work.) Sign up for the boot camp here.
Facing the Edits: 7 Steps to a Happy Revision As someone who has been writing long enough that my first critiques came back on that old-fashioned medium called paper, I've learned a thing or two about how to face the feedback that I'd like to share with you. Start your happy revision here.
How to Submit to Literary Journals You've revised your story more times than you can count and you're ready for quick and easy publication. But what you may not realize is the submissions process should be taken as seriously as the story. If you're new to submissions, you may be unsure of where to find the journals. Learn how to submit now.
| Your Weekly Writing Prompt Running With a Ghost: You start training to run a marathon. Things are going well and you've developed a route that you like to run. One day you notice someone peeking out the window of one of the houses you pass, though you think nothing of it. But then the next day the peeper is back again. And the next day. Finally you decide to confront the peeper and knock on the door. But when the door opens, you are shocked to find out it's someone from your past-who you thought was dead. Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments below.
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