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How Will 5 BRICS Impact Your Future Wealth?

Robert Moriarty and Dr. Quinton Hennigh return as guests on this week’s program.


The BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have understood how the United States and its allies have used the dollar and currencies attached to it to threaten their national sovereignty. The weaponization of the dollar which was accelerated during the Ukraine war has now provided the initiative for the BRICS to accelerate out of dollars into what appears to hold the promise of a new gold-backed currency, that being the Chinese Yuan. Indeed, the infrastructure for a BRICS gold-backed standard is now in place. Moscow now has a gold exchange. More importantly, Shanghai hosts Futures markets for oil and gold.


With the U.S. thumbing its nose against fossil fuels and a Democrat administration kissing up to Iran, Saudi Arabia is now abandoning its close ties to the United States which is turning a hard left toward communism and against fossil fuels, and finding a welcome partnership with the BRICS that are building wealth for their middle classes not by turning green but consuming far more fossil fuels. The path for Asian non-dollar trading is clear. For example, Saudi Arabia can now sell its oil for yuan and immediately exchange yuan for gold on the Shanghai Exchange if it so chooses.


Gold’s value isn’t dependent on the ability of debtors to repay their creditors. As Alasdair Macleod pointed out, Western authorities don’t understand the vulnerability of a dollar system that is leveraged to the extreme. The BRICS not only detest the weaponization of the dollar by the U.S. and NATO but also realize the dollar is suffering from stage 4 or 5 of its cancerous growth. So while America keeps piling up debt to fund more deadly weapons in an attempt to keep the Anglo-American empire alive, the BRICS are laying the groundwork for what looks like America’s 4th Fourth Turning. Prior three turnings for the U.S. were: The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, World War II. If America continues to follow its current WEF sponsored path, Americans are destined to utter enslavement and tyranny.


Robert discusses how he envisions this current geopolitical battle will end and share his thoughts on how to navigate the road ahead. Quinton talks about a profitable model business unique in Japan that is being successfully pursued by Irving Resources.

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