A GB MCL Agency Opinion formally proposes the GB mandatory classification and labelling for chemical substances, based on the scientific and technical assessment of the scientific data in line with the GB CLP Regulation, together with an assessment of the policy and socio-economic impacts on the UK. It sets out whether there is adequate scientific evidence to support a new or revised GB MCL of a substance and what the potential impact of the proposed GB MCL may be. The next batch of 4 GB MCL Agency Opinions are now available for download in the GB MCL publication table (.xlsx). These GB MCL Agency Opinions relate to substances for which HSE (as the GB CLP Agency) published an Agency Technical Report under Article 37 of the GB CLP Regulation in January 2022. At the time of publication, the classification and labelling proposed in this Agency Opinion has not been agreed and/or adopted in Great Britain. For information on the next steps in the process, please see our webpage on the GB MCL system. We expect to publish our next batch of Agency Opinions in February 2023. CLP ebulletin alerts will be issued when Agency Opinions are published on the HSE website. If you have any questions or feedback on the GB MCL Agency Opinions, please contact us at: GBCLP.GBMCL@hse.gov.uk Journalists should contact HSEs press office for further information. Deadline: 27 January 2023 The GB MCL process includes the consideration of information gathered from public consultations, conducted by HSE or international bodies such as the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). ECHA has announced a public consultation on the following proposal for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH): Melaleuca alternifolia, ext. Melaleuca alternifolia, essential oil; tea tree oil;(EC: 285-377-1; CAS: 85085-48-9; 68647-73-4). Pesticide active substance. All hazard classes open for commenting. View the consultation on the ECHA website. UK-based businesses with an interest in the proposal are strongly encouraged to share any relevant information. Scientific and technical information should be submitted directly to ECHA using their commenting webform by 27 January 2023. Comments will be published on ECHA's website. If your business is affected by the GB CLP Regulation, please also consider if you are likely to be affected by the classification and labelling proposal and let us know at an early stage if you anticipate any significant impacts or benefits. Information on wider policy and impact considerations can be submitted to HSE at GBCLP.GBMCL@hse.gov.uk. Under the GB CLP Regulation, HSE will consider all published opinions of the ECHA Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) before publishing its own Agency Technical Reports and Agency Opinions, so any information you provide will be important in any final GB MCL decision. More information on the new GB MCL systemis available on the HSE website. |