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'I reacted as a father': Parkland dad on gun hearing
Manuel Oliver and his wife Patricia lost their son Joaquin during the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School last year. This week, Oliver attended a House Judiciary Committee hearing on background checks. Oliver joins Morning Joe to discuss.
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Rev. Al: A national crisis in terms of race relations
The political controversy in Virginia deepens as the state's AG Mark Herring revealed that for a party in 1980, he wore brown makeup and a wig to resemble a hip-hop artist. Meanwhile, Gov. Ralph Northam is resisting calls to step down.
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Mother Nature will be on the ballot in 2020: Friedman
NYT columnist Thomas Friedman discusses factors driving global migration, what Trump gets wrong about immigration, new NASA research on climate change and why he says Mother Nature will be on the ballot in 2020.
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Texas representative wants Trump to 'correct the record'
Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, refutes the president's claim that her town of El Paso was violent prior to a border fence.
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Joe: This speech was packed with lies
Sen. Schumer: Abrams displayed true leadership
GOP rep. weighs in on Trump's foreign policy
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