Dear Reader, Please make sure you see this important update on the banking crisis. On November 15, 2022, Wall Street legend Marc Chaikin made a startling prediction that was watched by over 320,000 people... He said he was observing: "A major shift in our financial system that could lead to a RUN ON THE BANKS in 2023." While it may seem that what's unfolded over the last few weeks was nearly impossible to predict... Marc saw it coming in November. And today, he's calling on everyone who has any money in the stock market to tune in for an emergency warning event about how this changes the investing outlook for 2023. As the only analyst we know of to predict the multiple bank runs we've seen hit regional banks this month... We know Marc has an edge right now that could help you in the days ahead. So, I encourage you to check out this note here from Marc's team, then sign up to attend his emergency event on March 28. I guarantee you'll be surprised to hear his view on the surprising turn the market will take next. Sincerely, Brett Aitken Publisher, Stansberry Research |