IHI propels Europe to the forefront of health innovation - a word from our director This month we launched two new two calls for public-private partnerships with public funding of EUR 225 million, matched by commitments from the European medical technology and health industry. With over 200 public-private partnerships launched under IHI, and our predecessors IMI1/IMI2, we think we have found a unique and transformative approach to health research and innovation that creates lasting impact and benefit. This month you can read about how some of our previous projects are delivering new solutions for some of the most urgent public health needs: mental health and cardiometabolic diseases. We are incredibly pleased to see how the clinical trial resources established in EU-PEARL is now being used to power a new pan-European platform trial in depression – helping to address the increasing number of people living with mental health disorders. Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases remain a large unmet public health need – with huge individual, societal and economic costs. IHI has a very exciting cardiometabolic portfolio and this month we learn how large-scale, AI-driven data analysis in the SOPHIA project identifies obesity subtypes that drive cardiometabolic risk, offering new precision tools for early disease prevention and intervention. In our new call 9 and call 10, we would like to see more ideas like these: pioneering projects that propel Europe to the forefront of health innovation by bringing together innovators across sectors - industry, academia, healthcare, patients and public bodies. Niklas Blomberg, IHI Executive Director | |
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