We're rolling out a new regulatory approach that will deliver a more regularly updated view of quality. Central to this is ensuring we have the best quality information from health and social care providers, including statutory notifications. To make it easier and quicker for you to share information with us we're introducing a range of new digital services, including a new provider portal. We've started to invite small groups of providers to use the new portal and we'll make it available to all providers by the end of March 2024. Here's what to do to get ready for these changes: Providers must notify us about certain changes, events and incidents that affect their service or the people who use it. Giving us the right information first time means you'll need to spend less time responding to our requests for further information. Here's some top tips for getting notifications right: - If you have access to the provider portal (current or new), this is the easiest and quickest way for you to submit a notification
- If you're using a Word form, always download the latest version from our websiterather than using saved versions as we change our forms from time to time
- Make sure the provider and location IDs and name of provider entered on the form are correct.It is important to remember this will have changed if you have made changes to your legal entity. You will find your provider ID and the location IDs on your latest certificate of registration.
- Make sure all the fields on the notification form are completed
- Keep up to date with the latest guidance on submitting notifications
- You should always receive a submission notification and a reference when you have correctly submitted a notification. If you do not receive this CQC may not have received your information
For the best and fastest way to submit notifications, sign up to our new provider portal as soon as you receive your invite  Our new assessment approach is now live across our South region. This is part of astaged rollout and over the next few monthswe'll start using our new assessment approach in other parts of the country. What can providers do to prepare NOTE: Our new approach is not currently being used for services we do not rate. We will be in touch with those providers directly for more information about when the new approach will apply to them.  In this short video we highlight the key elements of our new assessment approach and how they will work together to provide an ongoing view of quality.  Our expectations of care are not changing and our current ratings and five key questions will stay central to our approach. We recognise the importance of clear guidance to help you feel ready for our new assessments. On our website you can find guidance that covers the different aspects of our regulatory approach, including:  We now have aWhatsApp channelwhere we will be sharing the latest updates on our new regulatory approach. Please note that as WhatsApp Channels may not be available to all users yet we won't be posting content that hasn't already been shared by other means.  |