The irony of a tale; Lunar New Year Celebrations; an interview with Mera Rubell; & Maintenance, Care, and Vision ... 

The irony of a tale

Quiet but not as cold weekend in New York, but the talk was Palm Beach where it’s warm and very busy socially.


Lunar New Year Celebrations

New York Philharmonic's annual Lunar New Year Concert & Gala welcomes the Year of the Rabbit; New York Junior League’s Après Ski: Winter Out West.



Mera Rubell: In search of the invisible

Delia von Neuschatz interviews Mera Rubell, who with her husband Donald are the founders of The Rubell Museum and deemed deans of Miami’s bustling art scene. “Everyone leaves their mark in this world, one way or another,” according to Mera. Some perhaps more than others.


Maintenance, Care, and Vision

Central Park Conservancy’s Playground Partners kick-off 2023 with Winter Luncheon; Findlay Galleries hosts kickoff reception for Lighthouse Guild’s Annual Visionary Evening; A gala to benefit Mommy’s Heart at Marc Leder's Boca Raton home.


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