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Inside Fixed Income Newport Beach Conference


The End of a Bull Market:
The Role of Fixed Income Today

Dear John,

The 35-year bull market in bonds looks to be over. Today's fixed-income investor faces some daunting choices. Rising rates and inflation are always concerns, but could slowing global growth be a bigger threat? What's the right strategy? Do bonds even belong in your portfolio?

Against this background, the Inside Fixed Income conference is bringing together the world's leading macro strategists, ETF experts and forward-thinking bond investors at the beautiful Island Hotel in Newport Beach, CA, Nov. 2-3. As a friend of our media partner, Wealth Management, we are offering you $100 discount on the conference. Just enter VIP code WM17 at checkout.

With ETFs changing everything about how we invest in bonds, we’ll hear the world's leading fixed-income experts tackle the big questions, like:

  • Won’t bond ETFs blow up if people head for the doors?
  • With rates due to rise, should you own bonds at all?
  • What are the best new bond ETFs out there?
  • Can "smart-beta fixed income" work?


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Featured Speakers

John Bellows
Portfolio Manager & Research Analyst
Western Asset Management Company

Dennis Gartman
Editor & Publisher
The Gartman Letter

Jim Grant
Founder & Editor
Grant's Interest Rate Observer

Jeffrey Sherman, CFA
Deputy Chief Investment Officer

Hear legendary interest rate expert Jim Grant on "Living in the Age of ‘Abnormalization’: Understanding the Language of the Fed." Other top panels include:

  • Should I Own Bonds at All? A Debate
  • The Outlook for Fixed Income: The Fed, Inflation & the Future
  • The Substitution Effect: Will Rising Rates Destroy High Yield?
  • How Does Smart Beta Work in Fixed Income? Making Sense of New Approaches

The event will be hard-hitting, data-driven and a lot of fun. You can see the full agenda here.

It's not easy finding strong and steady returns in today's challenging fixed-income market. If you’re thinking about buying, owning, trading or selling a fixed-income ETF in the next six months, you can’t afford to miss this event. And don't forget, as a friend of Wealth Management, you will receive a $100 discount on the conference. Just enter VIP code WM17 at checkout.

The smartest investors in the world are turning to ETFs as the solution. Join us at Inside Fixed Income 2017 in Newport Beach, Nov. 2-3, to find out why.


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Inside Fixed Income Media Partner:

Wealth Management



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