55X GAINS INSTEAD of 9X 258X GAINS INSTEAD of 2X 1,250X GAINS INSTEAD of 10X Dear Member, Consider this story of two hypothetical investors, based on documented data and historical facts … John is a crypto investor who uses a major exchange like Coinbase or Kraken. Mary buys cryptos in a different way. She uses our early bird, backdoor buying method. It kind of reminds me of buying a stock like Facebook before its IPO when investors could have picked it up for a tiny fraction of what other investors later paid. 55x Instead of 9x For example, consider a relatively popular crypto called Synthetix, symbol SNX, and look at the huge difference this can make. When John logs onto his account at a major U.S.-based crypto exchange, he doesn’t find Synthetix. It’s not listed yet, and it only shows up months later. That’s when he buys it, paying $2.82 per coin. Within half a year, Synthetix goes up to $26.50, and John makes more than nine times his money. That’s darn good. But Mary doesn’t wait for Synthetix to be listed on a major exchange. Instead, she uses our early bird buying method, giving her the chance to buy it for much less. Rather than paying $2.82, she pays only 48 cents. That’s an 82% discount off what John gets it for later. And it’s a lot better than any Black Friday or Cyber Monday bargain she could possibly dream of. Result: Instead of multiplying her money by “merely” nine times, she multiples her money by over 55 times. Or, consider this second trade, yearn.finance (YFI) … 1,250x Instead of 10x John buys yearn.finance on the first day it’s listed on a major exchange. By then, it’s already very pricey, at $4,106 per coin. But 33 days later, he sees it surge to $43,338 — a gain of 955%. Not bad for one month’s work. Mary does not wait for yearn.finance to be listed. She gets in with our early bird buying method and pays just $35. That’s 99% less than what John paid. “With this kind of deal,” she says, “I don’t want to see Cyber Monday madness ever again in my whole life.” Instead of a 955% gain, she sees a gain of 125,336%. In other words, not just 10 times her money like John, but 1,250 times her money. If they each invest $1,000, John makes $10,550, while Mary makes $1,254,000. Big difference. 258x Instead of 2x Or look at the new undiscovered crypto, Kaspa, and go back to May 6, 2023. That’s the day Kaspa was first listed on a major exchange. On that day, John buys Kaspa and watches it nearly double. Good. But one year earlier, on May 25, 2022, to be exact, Mary uses our early bird buying method and buys it for 97% less. Instead of doubling her money, she makes 258 times her money. That’s just three historic examples: 55x instead of 9x 258x instead of 2x 1,250x instead of 10x In order to gain access to present-day examples, I suggest you follow the direction we provide in our urgent conference about 3 new undiscovered cryptos. Just be aware that we have no control over how long these kinds of backdoor bargains will be available to investors. Some of them have already disappeared. Others could vanish at any moment. Good luck and God bless! | Martin D. Weiss, PhD Weiss Ratings Founder |