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Can a research project change a city? The Born in Bradford study | |
How can we keep families healthy and happy? This is the question that the Born in Bradford Study is now set to answer. By tracking the health and wellbeing of over 30,000 Bradfordians, this National Health Service (NHS) study aims to identify the underlying factors which shape the health and wellbeing of its citizens from even before they’re born. | |
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Launch of the Guide and video tutorial on âIntercultural Competencies applied to the development of public administration projectsâ | |
Awarded with one of the grants opened in 2020 by the Intercultural Cities programme, the municipalities of Bilbao, Castellò de la Plana, Donostia/San Sebastiàn, and the Island of Tenerife (Spain) successfully concluded a project on developing the intercultural skills of public administration staff as a key element for advancing further in the building of strong intercultural cities and territories. | |
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