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The Voice of the DBA

How Do You Setup Your Instances?

I've set up a lot of SQL Server instances in my career. I've gone from manual only setup in SQL Server 4.2 to more automated means in the latest versions. The easiest was actually in Azure where I only need to specify a few parameters for a PoSh cmdlet. However, unattended setup is pretty easy as well for local SQL Server instances. If you've never done it, you're missing out. There are plenty of other ways to do this with tools like Chef and Puppet, AMIs in AWS, and more.

Erik Darling wrote a post recently called Setting Up SQL Server: People Still Need Help. Erik's point in the piece is not that installing SQL Server is hard, but that many people stick with the defaults once they've installed the instance, never changing anything. There are some basic things that you'll want installed all the time, so having a repeatable process is important.

This week I'm wondering how you install instances in your job. If you need to add a new SQL Server for production or development, what do you do? Let us know your process and procedure.

I don't set up too many instances, and in fact, I mostly add them as a lab instance on one of my machines. For the initial install at times, I'll just run through the manual install, but I then have a quick config script that I use to change a few items, but very few. In most cases, I don't do much more than add a few logins, limit memory, and enable the DAC. For the cases where I want to add a few different instances for testing, say for looking at patches or using mutli-server features, I'll use an unattended install script.

There are some amazing ways people have created for repeatable installs, such as the Finebuild project. If you've got a way that works for you, let us know. Just be sure that whatever repeatable process you use changes some of the defaults and ensures your SQL Server is better prepared for any workload to come.

Steve Jones from SQLServerCentral.com

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

The Voice of the DBA Podcast

Listen to the MP3 Audio ( 3..0MB) podcast or subscribe to the feed at iTunes and Libsyn. feed

The Voice of the DBA podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music.

SQL Prompt

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Writing SQL is 50% faster with SQL Prompt. Your SQL code can be formatted just the way you like it, you can create and share snippets with your team, and with code analysis you get suggestions to improve your SQL as you type. Download your free trial

SQL Source Control

How to track every change to your SQL Server database

See who’s changing your database, alongside affected objects, date, time, and reason for the change with SQL Source Control. Get a full change history in your source control system. Learn more

Featured Contents


Introduction to Microsoft R Services in SQL Server 2016

Tomaž Kaštrun from SQLServerCentral.com

General introduction to R Services in SQL Server 2016 and how R server works with external stored procedure. More »


Single-Column-Key Missing Index Recommendations are Usually Wrong.

Additional Articles from Brent Ozar Unlimited Blog

When Clippy suggests an index with only one key, look closer. More »


From the SQLServerCentral Blogs - How Do Azure Subscriptions Work?

DataOnWheels from SQLServerCentral Blogs

In this Azure Every Day installment, I’d like to talk about your organization’s subscription hierarchy. When working with Azure, it... More »


From the SQLServerCentral Blogs - Looking at the PASS FY 2019 Budget

Andy Warren from SQLServerCentral Blogs

I just spent a few more minutes looking at the FY 2019 budget. It is hard to assess whether it’s... More »

Question of the Day

Today's Question (by Steve Jones):

I have installed SQL Server 2017 RTM on Linux. I am creating a new login for a client. What are my password policy options?

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This question is worth 1 point in this category: SQL Server on Linux.

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Design and configure SQL Server instances and databases in support of high-throughput applications that are mission-critical and provide consistent response times in the face of variations in user numbers and query volumes. Learn to configure SQL Server and design your databases to support a given instance and workload.

Pick up your copy of this great book today at Amazon today.

Yesterday's Question of the Day

Yesterday's Question (by Steve Jones):

I want to use a table valued parameter (TVP) in a procedure. How do I declare the structure of the TVP?

Answer: The structure is declared as a table type


The structure of a table-valued parameter is declared as a table type. The parameter is then set to this table type.

Ref: USe Table-Valued Parameters - click here

» Discuss this question and answer on the forums

Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2016 : SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL

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