Kære John Du inviteres til workshop, hvor InfinIT-partnerne AAU og ITU i samarbejde med Preely, Nykredit, Duckwise, Nuuday og Undo præsenterer resultaterne af deres miniprojekt med fokus på
Next generation remote usability testing We strongly believe the trend towards more remote work will continue in a post-Corona world and remote user testing will become more important than ever. Together we are exploring how companies currently conduct remote user tests and how we best can support them in conducting tests remotely and not moderated. This activity is carried out within an InfinIT mini project during the fall. During the workshop the participating companies will give a glimpse into how they work with remote user testing and we will share our insights, analysis and recommendations from the study and discuss how to move on from there. We will have special focus on how remote test results can be communicated to stakeholders and integrated into in the development process. Tid og sted 12. november 2020 kl. 8.30 - 11.00 Auditoriet Aalborg Universitet København A.C. Mejers Vænge 15 2450 København SV
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