| March 4, 2025 | Advertisement | Heart disease breakthrough being sold at Walmart? | Back in 1989, Harvard researchers made a strange discovery…Most heart attacks occur between the hours of 6 a.m. and noon. And the ones that happen during this “widowmaker window” are far deadlier than any other time of day. For years, researchers have speculated about why mornings are so lethal. They’ve thrown every explanation they can think of at the wall—blood-pressure-raising commutes…heart-thumping workouts...cholesterol-laden eggs…etc., etc. But none of them have stuck. Because it turns out the REAL cause of morning heart attacks is far more common than any of those shot-in-the-dark theories. Yet, cardiologists RARELY warn patients about it. In fact, some doctors don’t even check for the simple, easy-to-correct nutrient deficiency lurking behind America’s No. 1 killer. Watch this exclusive video now to find out if you’re at risk…And how the key to a complete cardiovascular 180 is possible—with a simple, natural supplement you can pick up in any WalMart, Target, or supermarket. | | Is THIS an important long COVID clue? | Dear Reality Health Check Reader, I truly hope you—or anyone you know—hasn’t been affected by long COVID. I’ve seen a few cases firsthand. And let me just say, it isn’t pretty. Of course, now that we’re moving past the pandemic, clear patterns are emerging. And it’s essential that we learn from them. Is THIS an important clue? (Article continues below.) | Advertisement | Urinary trouble? Superfruit shows resounding relief | Did you hear... 70% of the men who tried this superfruit got resounding relief from their worst peeing problems Plus, fewer stops and starts, reduced urgency and frequency, emptying stronger, better flow, and minimized straining. Can you guess what it is: A: watermelon B: cranberry C: pomegranate D: apple Answer revealed in this video. | | A clear association emerges A new federal study shows that long COVID rates are up to two to three times higher in the South, Midwest, and West compared to the Northeast regions. Could vaccination rates be part of the explanation? Some of the states that have the highest long COVID prevalence also have the lowest vaccination rates—and vice versa. For example, Vermont has the lowest long COVID rate in the nation—at just 4.2 percent. Meanwhile, more than 88 percent of residents are fully vaccinated and 54 percent have received a booster. Other states that have low long COVID rates and high vaccination status include Massachusetts, Maine, Washington, and Maryland. Meanwhile, West Virginia has the nation’s lowest vaccination rate—and the highest long COVID prevalence. Other states that follow this same pattern include Alaska, Kentucky, and Texas. As someone with a public health background, this seems like a HUGE clue—potentially confirming that vaccination plays a large role in reducing your risk of long COVID. Lead with science and fact, not emotion You probably thought that the talk of vaccination was behind us. While that’s mostly true, understanding the effectiveness of our pandemic response is something that can only emerge with the luxury of time. But before I go any further, let me be clear: I’m not urging you to get vaccinated. I’m simply committed to bringing you the facts and my interpretation of the scientific literature. It is then up to you as to what you want to do with the information. And you can’t make an informed decision—based in science and fact rather than emotion—without these details. So, please don’t shoot the messenger. Look at the full picture first. Now, for some additional details… Education and income rates might also impact long COVID rates. For instance, low-income Americans tend to be more likely to smoke, which is a known risk factor for developing a severe case of COVID-19. This might also increase risk of long COVID. And then there’s the case of higher rates of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and hypertension—all of which certainly play a role in infection rate and severity. In this study, long COVID was defined as symptoms that last for three months or longer that didn’t exist before a COVID-19 infection. For more details about the wide range of symptoms to watch out for—and how to protect yourself—click here. Until next time, Dr. Fred Source: “What’s Behind Wild State-by-State Variations in Long COVID?” Medscape, 12/17/2024. (medscape.com/viewarticle/whats-behind-wild-state-state-variations-long-covid-2024a1000nav) Not yet a Logical Health Alternatives monthly newsletter subscriber? | Advertisement | Don’t accept THIS #1 sign of aging | Tell me if this has happened to you recently: After finally getting around to all the yard work...Or organizing the garage... You realize, you just can’t move like you used to. This is a normal part of aging...but it doesn’t have to be. Seniors all across the country are discovering the secret to youthful energy, strength, flexibility, and more. Turning their Golden Years into their Best Years. Click here and revolutionize the way you feel. It works fast, too—one ingredient showed results starting in as little as 5 days! Study participants felt improved comfort in just days. Click here for all the details. | | Follow me! Tune in to conversations on trending topics and enjoy episodes of my Cooking with Dr. Fred series: Visit our website, DrPescatore.com, to view our newest products and to check out our special offers. Online ordering is fast, convenient and secure. |