Clients are more eager than ever before to get back out into the world which will inevitably lead to increased travel demand. After an unpredictable couple of years, there's no better time to examine your professional liability insurance options and consider a coverage upgrade to best protect yourself, employees and business. Built for the unexpected, 360 Coverage Pros provides best-in-class, industry-leading errors and omissions insurance. No lengthy application processes, apply online in just 10 minutes and receive your certificate of insurance instantly. |
| | Travel Professional Errors and Omissions Insurance Coverage starting at just $29 | .33/month |
| | Professional Liability (including bodily injury & property damage) | | Hired & Non-owned Automobile Coverage | | Host Liquor Insurance | | Defense Costs, Employee Theft Coverage and More |
| 24/7 Risk Management Hotline with access to an attorney | | Instant proof of insurance | | "A" rated carrier | | Painless automatic renewal | | Group coverage/program discounts available |
| | A booking mistake, client injury or unanticipated situation during or before a trip can result in exposures for travel professionals. If a client or third party perceives that a wrongdoing has occurred, they can sue or bring forth allegations against you and your business. Secure peace of mind knowing that your business, independent contractors, employees and additional insureds are all covered by 360 Coverage Pros. Please reach out below for a free consultation. | Visit Our Website | For Your Free Consultation | | |