ITB Berlin Convention 2022 Open for Digital, Responsible & Resilient Solutions 10 March 2022 | Responsible Tourism Track Welcome to the 3rd day of our virtual ITB Berlin Convention! Today it's all about the Responsible Tourism Track. The ITB Berlin Responsible Tourism Track provides the latest insights on travel, tourism and also socially responsible sustainability. At the same time, sustainability will be analyzed in more detail as one of the most important factors in transforming the tourism industry. In this crucial decade, continuous improvement and transformative change are paramount. Not registered yet? Register now and join us live from 10:00 am: TO THE TICKET SHOP
| ITB BERLIN CONVENTION 2022 | 10 MARCH 2022 | Don't miss the following highlights of the Responsible Tourism Track | From Carbon Neutral Destinations to Regenerative Tourism: Boundaries and Implementation. Today at 10:45 am - 11:25 am, the latest findings from the Sustainable Travel Index will be highlighted. The session will start with a keynote by Carolin Bremner, Head of Travel and Tourism Research at Euromonitor International. Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand and Xenia zu Hohenlohe will moderate the panel discussion with Sally Davey, CEO, Travalyst / Jennifer Koskelin Gibbons, Campaign manager, The Palau Pledge, Palau Legacy Project /Jeremy Smith Co-founder, Tourism Declares a climate emergency and Petra Thomas Managing Director, forum anders reisen e.v.. Here, climate neutrality in tourism will be looked at in more detail. Putting it into practice will be focused on. With new partnerships from crisis management to destination resilience (BMZ) Since the pandemic, the concept of resilience has become key to developing more sustainable and crisis-resistant tourism. Dr. Bärbel Kofler, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development will kick off the session with a keynote address. In the panel that follows, Liz Ortiguera, CEO of Pata / Gary Rynhart, Senior Employers' Specialist, ILO and Dr Benni Thiebes, Executive Director, DKKV will hold a discussion. Don't miss this session at 1:05 - 1:50 pm. Carbon Neutrality is not enough - in cooperation with the Global Resilience Council and EVORA Forum - This session will provide a brief update from across the industry since EVORA, COP26 and COP15. Questions such as: What lessons have been learned from these important global events and what actions are being taken in the travel industry? What does the industry need to do in order to kick things into gear and effect change? This will be answered by the panel guests Dr. Susanne Etti, Intrepid Travel's enviornmental impact specialist / Celine Oleson, Corporate Partnerships, Climeworks / Jane Ashton, Sustainability Director Easyjet and Chrisitan Delom, Executive Director, A World for Travel. Don't miss it! Tune in today at 2:30 - 2:50 pm!
| Our ITB Berlin Content Partner:
| Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management, IU International University of Applied Sciences
| Special thanks to our ITB Berlin Convention partners:
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| ITB TRAVEL HERO PODCAST - WHAT'S NEW | In keeping with the Responsible Tourism track today, in the latest Travel Hero Podcast episode we looked at the topic of "Community-based tourism: source of income or dependency trap?". The question: how can local communities be supported in building resilient tourism projects? The example: The Cultural Village of the Khwe in Namibia. The guests: Futouris member Thomas Bohlander from Gebeco, Antje Rahn from ATC Namibia and project coordinator on site, and Prof. Dr. Christian Baumgartner, professor at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden and CEO of Response & Ability. Tune in now (Spotify, Apple Podcast, Podigee or on and get to know Futouris, as well as the project work on site!
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