Issue 42.38 - July 16, 2021

Watch this Televisionation Session!

Televisionation Friday Fireside: Bart Spriester of Comcast Technology Solutions

Televisionation: Friday Fireside features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry.

This week’s guest on the Friday Fireside is Bart Spriester, VP and General Manager for Content and Streaming Providers at Comcast Technology Solutions (CTS). In a far-reaching and future-focused conversation, it became apparent that CTS is probably the most capable and least understood tech vendor in the media and entertainment ecosystem: Comcast's enormous technology capabilities only account for about 50% of what CTS does for their customers worldwide; the rest is developed according to the CTS customer needs. When it comes to Sports Betting on Television, we discuss what needs to be done to reduce the heretofore unsolvable problem of latency in live sports to a time snap shorter than a text (e.g. from somebody at the football stadium to the at-home bettor). Think about that for a bit, and then watch this week’s Friday Fireside.

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