John Died Dear Friend, John woke up that August 14 morning a vibrant, 27-year-old man. By August 15, he was dead. At 4:10 pm, a government screw-up triggered a massive blackout. In a flash, 45 million people across 8 states lost power. No A/C. Plunged into darkness. Nothing to charge a phone or run a computer. No TV. The only radio in the car. And like many of those millions of helpless Americans, John did something you might do if you lost power. He lit some candles. And fell asleep. John never woke up, because the candles left his home in flames. He wasn't prepared for such government ineptitude. And it cost him his life. Just 50 miles away, another man was feeling smug. He felt like he was prepared. A gas fueled generator filled his home with light, and powered a fan to keep him cool. It also filled his home with carbon monoxide. And soon, he too was gone. Listen... you can make the mistake of not preparing. Or preparing the wrong way. Or you can protect your own life - and your way of life - with a lifeline of power that's renewable, rechargeable, and doesn't rely on fossil fuels at all. Power lights for safety and comfort. Your computer and cell phone, television... even small appliances like a freezer or a critical medical device. All with the Patriot Power Generator 1500. A critical power source when you need it most. And without gas, fumes or noise. You can see a live demo of it in action here Our power grid is failing. Every day it ages, and becomes more vulnerable to weather, the growing stress of our population, and even attack. Lose power and it could be devastating. Unless you're completely prepared... >> See the live demo of Patriot Power Generator NOW To your survival,
Frank Bates Patriot Headquarters P.S. The Patriot Power Generator 1500 is a breakthrough portable device that can save your life in a crisis. It generates up to 1,500 continuous watts of clean, quiet and FREE renewable power. And it's peace of mind you can't afford to be without. Click here to see it in action  | Robert H. I am retired U.S. Army Officer, Ranger, Airborne, combat experienced Vietnam veteran and recently retired from my second career in nuclear security. I purchased the Patriot Power Generator 1500 package about ten months ago and in preparation for Irma's arrival, got it out today and set it, and the solar panels up, for the first time. I found that the generator, as advertised, has remained fully charged while sitting in my garage and it works perfectly. It has brought me an unbelievable degree of confidence and peace of mind that my wife and our family will do just fine if we experience an expected power outage that Irma may produce. I have purchased several additional items since the initial generator buy and have always found the men and ladies who answer the phone to be not only extremely pleasant, but very knowledgeable, professional, and helpful. Thank you for your great support! Like · Comment · Share · 21 minutes ago |
 | Ron M. I have had several power outages lately, giving me a chance to try it out. It has run my refrigerator for 8 hours on two different outages. It ran my desktop computer and accessories for about the same time. Like · Comment · Share · 23 minutes ago |
 | Phillip R. I was thinking about a solar generator because the noise and fumes from my gas generator was getting on my nerves, then I got the email from 4Patriots. What sold me was the fact that I could charge and discharge this generator once a day every day for more than five years. The warranty- who in the world gives a warranty like that? No one else. The compactness, weight and all those features, outstanding! And finally, the portability factor even including the solar panels. Now I have used the system to run most of my hand tools, a small refrigerator, a desktop computer, a laptop and cell phones and had no problems with over or under power / load. The best part is that most of the tests I did at night and inside. Very quiet. Hooking up the solar panels was a breeze and the unit began charging with no problems. This unit is well worth the money, a great piece of gear to have and an awesome warranty to go with it. I very highly recommend the Patriot Generator 1500. Like · Comment · Share · 32 minutes ago |
 | Kathy D. I have been looking at generators. I bought this one because gas might not be available. This one is safe because of the solar power. It is renewable power. It is easy to set up. Like · Comment · Share · 41 minutes ago |
 | Ann D. I am very happy with my purchase of the Power Generator. I use it as an independent system in my small second cabin on my property and I can power my sewing machine, lights, and computer. This is a safer alternative than running a 100' extension cord which tripped the power breaker each time it rained. I now have power rain or shine. Like · Comment · Share · 45 minutes ago |
 | Edward M. I was very pleased and relieved that the generator was easy to assemble. I even got the generator to produce electricity to light a lamp. The unit is not heavy and very portable. The solar panels are very light and easy to set up. I feel much better that I can face a power failure. I think the cost of the generator was reasonable. Thank you very much for providing this unit. Like · Comment · Share · 49 minutes ago |
 | Carl R. I decided to invest in this generator after watching the video online. It made sense to be prepared instead of waiting for a disaster to hit. My daughter and I were living in Florida when Charlie hit and left without electricity for a week. I moved to Tennessee shortly after that stating, "I would never go thru that again". Guess what? Tennessee also gets storms from time to time that have left us in the dark. We are living in scary times and believe we need to have a plan of action rather than regret! I also ordered a year supply of food and the water filter. I feel great knowing I took these steps to protect my family! Like · Comment · Share · 53 minutes ago |
 | Travis G. I haven't had the need to fully utilize this generator, but I have tested it on my refrigerator with excellent results. I ran the refrigerator for several hours to measure the battery drain with good results. I also tested the solar panels to recharge the device and all worked well. Like · Comment · Share · 57 minutes ago |
 | Duane M. I feel I have done as much as I can to take care of my family and the Patriot solar generator was the one prep item I needed to truly sleep better! Hope I never have to use it, but at least I've got all the bases covered. It's a little spendy for most people, but if you can scrape together the funds. I suggest to anyone who can, buy one! Quality stuff we're talking about here. Like · Comment · Share · 59 minutes ago |
>> Click here to see it in action |