- Becoming aware of the present moment as inseparable from who you are
- The primary purpose of your life: discovering the "vertical dimension"
- The addictive, hypnotic nature of negative media
- How to manage fear in the face of potential loss
- The first taste of freedom: becoming aware of your mind
- Accessing "witnessing consciousness" and stepping out of fearful mind states
- Placing your attention on the inner body as a portal to the vertical dimension
- The reciprocal relationship between the thinking mind and your emotions
- Why effective and intelligent action cannot arise out of fear
- Your state of consciousness: the primary factor in any situation in which you find yourself
- Acceptance versus resistance
"You have to have the courage to go into that place of unknowing—the non-conceptual, vertical dimension," explains Eckhart. "And then the other dimension of you—the horizontal dimension—can operate much more effectively, fruitfully, harmoniously, compassionately in this world." |