Let's Chat About DACA: Updates and What's Next | |
You're invited to a live discussion, presented in English and Spanish, on the recent developments in Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA). We will be discussing the impacts of the July 28, 2020 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo and court decisions, what to do now, and what is next. The July 28, 2020 DHS memo detailed that they will be rejecting initial DACA applications, rejecting Advanced Parole applications absent exceptional circumstances, and shortening the DACA renewals from two years to one year. Clark Hill Senior Attorney Angeline Chen, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles [CHIRLA] Director of Community Education and Outreach Miriam Mesa, and Immigrant Affairs Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Maria Peñaloza will present and lead a discussion on the effects of these updates. Click here for a link to the flier. | |
DATE Thursday 08/06/2020 | | | AGENDA Introduction Presentation Questions/Answers Adjourn | |
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