Celebrity Series of Boston Logo

Black Voices Boston: Our Stories, in words and movement.

Black Voices Boston

Image: Rafael Palacios sits in front of a table with various house plants behind him. The table is set with a white lace cloth and an empty white bowl. Palacios is wearing a light colored button up shirt with an interesting pattern of houseflies.

December 6, 7 PM - Virtual Showcase

BLACK VOICES BOSTON is a storytelling and movement project featuring seven short works co-created by Afro-Colombian choreographer Rafael Palacios based on personal stories from seven individuals from Boston’s Black communities. We invite you to watch and share these meaningful moments!

Sponsored by 


and 2020/21 Dance Series sponsors

Stephanie L. Brown Foundation, Cynthia & John S. Reed Foundation, and Royal Little Family Foundation

Support for this project is provided by the Barr Foundation and its ArtsAmplified initiative and by the National Endowment for the Arts through its CARES Act funds


Celebrity Series of Boston is grateful to our 2020/21 season sponsors Amy & Joshua Boger, and to the many individuals, corporations, foundations, and government agencies whose support helps fulfill our mission to present performing artists who inspire and enrich our community and our vision of a community of Greater Boston where the performing arts are a valued, lifelong, shared experience - on stages, on streets, in neighborhoods - everywhere.