WHAT’S ON TODAY Sydney Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chair Rod Sims will present a policy update at a CEDA event. ANZ chief economist Richard Yetsenga and China trade policy specialist Philippa Jones will speak at a Lowy Institute event on the economic impact of the coronavirus. Artist Mel O’Callaghan will launch her new book Centre of the Centre at Kronenberg Mais Wright. Melbourne The Wheeler Centre will host a 10th anniversary storytelling gala, titled “2020 Hindsight”, with Uncle Jack Charles, Alice Pung, Archie Roach and other storytellers from the past decade. The Australian Energy Regulator will host the Dr Gill Owen Forum on “Fairness for consumers in the energy transition”, to include the launch of a commissioned Consumer Policy Research Centre report into regulatory approaches to consumer vulnerability. A team from Melbourne Aquarium, GoBoat and Keep Victoria Beautiful will clean up floating rubbish along the Yarra River as part of Clean Up Australia’s “Business Clean Up Day”. Churchill, Victoria EPA Victoria will hold a community meeting to discuss a work approval application to build a 24/7 used lead acid battery recycling plant in Hazelwood North. Canberra NASA’s deputy associate administrator for space communications and navigation Badri Younes will present “The Science of Space Communications” at Questacon. Hobart Uyghur leader and spokesman Nurmuhammad Majid Siddiq will present “The Plight of the Uyghur People of East Turkistan” at an Amnesty International event. Adelaide Col. Francis Peter Scott DSO (ret’d) will launch his book The Forgotten War: A personal account of service in 3RAR in Japan and Korea 1949-1952 at Torrens Parade Ground. Perth Chair of the inquiry into microgrids and associated technologies in WA, Labor MLA Jessica Shaw, will present an overview of the final report “Taking Charge: Western Australia’s Transition to a distributed energy future” at an Australian Institute of Energy event. WA’s 2018 Premier’s Book Award writer and asylum seeker biographer Reneé Pettitt-Schipp will deliver “Oral History and the Christmas Island Boat Tragedy” at the State Library of Western Australia. Gold Coast, Queensland Day one of the CFMEU’s three-day global “Cut the Dust” conference on Black Lung and occupational dust diseases. |