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|  | |  | Another teen and family completes program | Transformation!!! | It is a challenge for every teen and family to complete our residential program. There are many ups and downs along that journey with days when both the teen and family want to give up. Change is difficult for all of us. For this reason it is a special time for us when we gather to celebrate a teen and family completing the program. On Tuesday June 2nd we gathered to celebrate with Jake and his mom. Read More Here... |  |
|  | Girls House Parents - Steve Lowe | Update on McNatts | There is great news to report. Brad has done fantastic with his cancer treatments. He, Kim and their family are now respiting here in Jasper and Brad is gaining strength every day. The most difficult thing at this point is trying to hold him back. Earlier this week he visited with us briefly, it was great to see him. He is still not allowed to be around groups of people as his body continues to strengthen. They are making plans to resume their house parent duties near the end of August. Brad and Kim along with all of us are grateful for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for them as Brad continues his recovery. |  |
|  | Our boys attend summer camp | Service and Fun | Once again Trinity Church at Marble Hill blessed our Boy’s Home by providing an opportunity for our residents and their house parents to attend Summer Camp with Trinity’s youth group, directed by a former house parent of the Joy House, Pastor Charles Caudell. This year the camp was held on St. Simon’s Island at the Epworth by the Sea campground. Five of our residents attended along with their house parents, Ali and Richard. Read More Here... |  |
|  | 15TH Anniversary Campaign Update | How Can You Help? | Our campaign is officially under way and we’ve received our first significant gift. We’re excited about this expansion so that we can bring Christ’s hope and healing to more teens and families through our residential program and impact more lives and families through our counseling center. As a way of a reminder, phase one of the campaign includes an additional girls home, purchase of adjoining property for future expansion, counseling center expansion, operational reserve, and maintenance to the existing campus and building. We need to raise $1.2 million for this initial phase. In considering how the Lord will bring this to pass I thought it might be helpful to share some possible ways you can help? Read More Here... |  |
|  | counseling center Update - Garry Barber, Director | Seeds | God has taught me a few significant things recently as I have spent time in the Gospel of Mark. For instance, in Mark 4 Jesus tells the parable of the Growing Seed. In this story Jesus speaks of planting, growing, and harvesting. He describes the situation in this way, “Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.” Read More Here... |  |
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