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December 2020

In this edition

Season's Greetings!
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
We look forward to working with you in 2021!
12th European Innovation Summit
Together we will make the EUROPEAN INNOVATION AREA a success-story!!!

From 7 - 11 December, more than 1000 innovation actors and policy makers gathered at the 12th edition of the European Innovation Summit to discuss about barriers and actionable ideas for a vibrant European Innovation Area, the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence and the huge potential of women-led VC funds, startups and businesses that can be reviewed in the special Innovators Magazine.

Europe is a knowledge superpower. It has a unique knowledge base developed by almost 2 million researchers and an annual investment of 200 billion euro that translates very successfully in high numbers of patents and scientific publications. Unfortunately, the great knowledge of Europe’s citizens is not sufficiently turned into innovative solutions and fast-growing, world-leading companies.
"If we want to overcome Europe’s innovation deficit and improve the impact from our wealth of knowledge and ideas, we need to improve our support on the way from knowledge to innovation and market creation". Roland Strauss, Founder, Knowledge4innovation
There are many best practice examples such as turning university campuses into innovation ecosystems and connecting students and PHDs with entrepreneurship centres. However, if we want to realize the full potential of Europe’s innovation capacity, we need to do more: we must overcome the innovation divide and equally important exploit the potential of women-led VCs, startups and businesses.
Special Innovators Magazine with and for women-led VC funds, startups and businesses
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