November 16 - Issue #2 Spent 11 years as a AAA dev learning bad leadership examples. Now I coach and train leads at all levels how to be a good example. Author of Beyond Critical. |
Welcome back!I wrote all of the little blurbs beneath the links so you know why I think the article is valuable. First will be my original content, followed by items I curated from reading other sources so you don't have to. All of it is applicable to leaders in game development or I wouldn't share it. |
Intro from Keith |
I'm a consultant. I make a living from answering questions. This means giving away my insight for free runs counter to my already questionable business model. But it sucks to not help people so I'm trying something new.I've decided to start publishing my responses to popular questions I encounter. These are 5-10 minute videos in a series I'm calling People Problems. They are pay-what-you-like, so you can watch them for free if you have no money (or if you're concerned my viewpoint might be bunk). But if a few people here and there paid a dollar or two I think it might justify the endeavor.The first two videos are Where Should I Work? (geared mostly toward entry level folks and students) and One on One's (geared toward everyone, but especially leaders).If you decide to watch one or if you have suggestions for future videos, please give me your feedback via keith@fullergameproduction.com! |
Gamasutra: Keith Fuller's Blog - DOES Something Have to Give? www.gamasutra.com – Share Amy Hennig, former creative director at Naughty Dog, referred to gross overwork and said, "We're definitely at the point where something's got to give." I disagree, but here's what studio leaders need to do to get us closer. |
Diversity |
Hijab In High Places: Muslim Women Leaders Explain The Challenges Of Visibility | Fast Company | Business + Innovation www.fastcompany.com – Share I'm the stereotypical middle age hetero white guy. My privilege allows me to be ignorant of a lot so I try to learn more about under represented folks in leadership and tech. If you're in a similar situation, I recommend reading pieces like this. |
Tips for CEOs on Diversity and Inclusion – Medium medium.com – Share This is a short list of concrete steps you can take to improve in the realm of D&I. A 3-minute read from the CEO of Patreon. |
Psychology & Being Human |
Cognitive bias cheat sheet betterhumans.coach.me – Share Cognitive biases seriously impair a lot of decisions, from hiring to creative decisions. Learning about these biases is important for any leader, and this cheat sheet is a great one stop shop. |
What Happens in the Rooms with No Windows mfbt.ca – Share Can you always maintain a coworker's confidence if you're a leader in the company? Not entirely, and here's why. More importantly, here's how to handle it. |
Hiring Better |
These Creative Interview Questions Can Reveal The Ideal Job Candidates | Fast Company | Business + Innovation www.fastcompany.com – Share Recently I've seen more articles talking about the value of objective measurements of interview candidates as opposed to creative questions. It's a point worth taking, but such measurements are hard to come by for many game dev roles. This article has some good suggestions if you're being creative. |
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